Nominasi TikTok Awards Indonesia 2021, Fuji Bersaing dengan Ria Ricis
Selasa, 15 Februari 2022 - 22:10 WIB
6. Best of Comedy
Andre Hendarto (bobacott)
Dwiki Afrilian (dwikiafrilian_)
I Gede Agus Iwan Saputra Kori (sptrakori_)
Kaffa Nugroho (pardonmypresence)
Muhammad Virgi Dzuhridzan (iggydzu)
7. Best of Fashion & Beauty
Agustina Tamara (tamaradai_)
Alma Tando (catlovers29)
Christie Basil (christiebasil)
Andre Hendarto (bobacott)
Dwiki Afrilian (dwikiafrilian_)
I Gede Agus Iwan Saputra Kori (sptrakori_)
Kaffa Nugroho (pardonmypresence)
Muhammad Virgi Dzuhridzan (iggydzu)
7. Best of Fashion & Beauty
Agustina Tamara (tamaradai_)
Alma Tando (catlovers29)
Christie Basil (christiebasil)
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