Fashion Show 7 Desainer Indonesia di KJRI New York
Sabtu, 11 September 2021 - 17:39 WIB
JAKARTA - KJRI New York bekerja sama dengan New York Indonesia Fashion Week (NYIFW) telah menyelenggarakan acara fashion show di Ruang Pancasila, Gedung KJRI New York,pada 10 September 2021.
Kegiatan fashion show bertajuk Batik Fashion and Culture menghadirkan 5 designer/pemilik brand asal Indonesia yaitu:
a. Joni Permana featuring Kampoeng Tjibarani;
b. Indah Darry;
c. Sakamade Boutique by Tari Made;
d. Mama Theodora by Theodora Matruttyu De Lima;
e. DR. Rosaline Rumaseuw by Indah Darry;
Serta 2 designer diaspora Indonesia asal New York yaitu:
Kegiatan fashion show bertajuk Batik Fashion and Culture menghadirkan 5 designer/pemilik brand asal Indonesia yaitu:
a. Joni Permana featuring Kampoeng Tjibarani;
b. Indah Darry;
c. Sakamade Boutique by Tari Made;
d. Mama Theodora by Theodora Matruttyu De Lima;
e. DR. Rosaline Rumaseuw by Indah Darry;
Serta 2 designer diaspora Indonesia asal New York yaitu:
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