Hary Tanoe Ultah ke-58, Keluarga Beri Doa dan Ucapan Selamat

Kamis, 28 September 2023 - 18:50 WIB
Hary juga me-repost ucapan dari anak-anaknya, di antaranya Valencia Tanoesoedibjo, Jessica Tanoesoedibjo dan Clarissa Tanoesoedibjo.

"So much love for papi. Happiest birthday my dearest father @hary.tanoesoedibjo. Thank you for always taking care of everyone around you. You have always been a great role model for us. A man of great vision, leadership, integrity, firmness, but also a man with a big heart. Wishing you all the health, joy and success for the coming years ahead,” tulis Valencia.

“Snippets of Dad’s birthday dinner last night. Love celebrating you Dad missing @angelatanoesoedibjo & the kids, and @warren_tanoesoedibjo but we’ll def have another round,” ujar Jessica.

Sedangkan Clarissa menuliskan ucapan betapa berartinya sang ayah dalam hidupnya.

"The man who stole my heart 26 years ago. I didn’t know what I did in the past life to be (incredibly) blessed with such an amazing father - who taught me to crawl, walk and run - with so much love, wisdom, tenacity & compassion. Yes, you’re right, I will always be your forever baby girl. No matter where life takes me or where I go, I know you will always be there by my side. You’re truly my guardian angel, and for that I wish you the best birth-day because a man like you should be celebrated and cherished,” tulisnya.
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