ALTY Orthopaedic Hospital, RS Khusus Ortopedi Pertama Malaysia Gagasan 8 Pakar Hebat
Kamis, 07 Juli 2022 - 09:45 WIB
Delapan pakar hebat perintis dan jadi andalan RS khusus ortopedi ini adalah:
1. Assoc. Prof. (C) Dr G Ruslan Nazaruddin Simanjuntak, consultant orthopaedic and joint replacement surgeon.
2. Dato' Dr Badrul Shah Badaruddin, consultant orthopaedic, arthritis and sports surgeon
3. Dr Wong Chung Che, consultant orthopaedic and spine surgeon
4. Dr Sureshan Sivananthan, consultant orthopaedic, arthritis and sports surgeon
5. Dato' Dr K.S. Sivananthan, consultant orthopaedic, trauma, and spine surgeon
6. Dr Lim Sze Wei, consultant orthopaedic, spine and trauma surgeon.
7. Prof. Dr Azhar M. Merican, consultant orthopaedic, hip and knee surgeon
8. Dr Mark Chong, consultant orthopaedic, arthritis and sports surgeon.
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